Look I know marketing doesn’t always have the best reputation when it comes to writing, but that’s because the general public knows when they are being sold to. I’ll be the first one to admit typical marketing copy isn’t that inspiring but I don’t think it has to be that way. Before I got into the nonprofit word, I had a bit of marketing background and one thing I learned then is to always put myself in the shoes of a regular person when trying to figure out how to reach them. Personally I’m not an easy consumer though. When analyzing a product, I don’t have a lot of patience. I’m sardonic, and pretty ruthlessly so when it comes to soul-less companies trying to sell to me. I’m probably in a rush and not in the best of moods. And I’m also extremely carefully with money. That’s what I take into account when I’m doing marketing related writing and I’ve found that it’s pretty effective. If I can’t sell myself on a product, I won’t attach my name to it.